I feel like I repeat this story a lot so I apologize ahead of time. I credit Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time for my love of video games. Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t the first game I ever played. Definitely played all the classics: Mario, Duck Hunt, Sonic, etc. But Ocarina of Time was different. The story drew me in, the puzzles were fun and interesting, and it honestly was just a lot of fun. So, of course, I would have some Legend of Zelda crochet. Now, the downside.
We didn’t own it. And that was a big problem and became a point of contention between my younger brother and I. You see every so often we were allowed to head down to our Blockbuster and rent 1 video game that my brother and I had to agree upon. Now, for a long time I was able to convince my brother that Ocarina of Time was obviously the game we would be renting.